Forgotten Your VODAFONE CASH PIN. Do This Instead!

“I forgot my Vodafone cash pin, what can I do?” one customer asked. 

Your Vodafone Cash PIN is a four digit code you personally choose to register your account and you will need it anytime you want to access your account or make any transaction. 

And remember, the Vodafone cash PIN is different from your Vodafone SIM card’s pin. 

Because your pin is the gateway to your account, Vodafone has built ironclad security around it. If you wrongly input your pin three times, it results in automatic blocking.

Table of Contents

Steps to Reset Blocked or forgotten Vodafone Cash PIN

If you have your Vodafone Cash pin blocked or forgotten, get your mobile phone with your SIM card in it and follow these steps. 

  1. Visit the nearest Vodafone office or call their customer care (100) and request for a pin reset.
  2. They will ask you a set of questions just to validate the caller. The questions might include, ID card number registration, date of birth, your last known transaction and the amount involved and your available balance at the time of the incident.
  3. If successful, they will ask you to set a security question and answer which you will use to reset your pin.
  4. Dial *110#
  5. Go to my account
  6. Select reset pin
  7. Enter your security answer
  8. With your security answer correctly entered, you will receive a temporary pin which you can change to your preferred 4 digits code.
  9. When done successfully, a confirmation SMS would be sent to you.

How do I Change my Vodafone cash PIN?

  • Dial *110#
  • Select “My Account”
  • Select “Change Pin”
  • Enter “Old Pin”
  • Enter “New Pin”
  • Confirm to change Pin
  • Select 1 to confirm and 2 to cancel.

These are the proven steps to follow if you forget your Vodafone cash PIN. 

We would like to conclude by answering some of the frequently asked questions about pin reset.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I reset without setting a security question?

No, you have to set a security question before you can reset your pin. 

Can I reset myself if my Vodafone cash pin is already blocked or forgotten?

No, is such situations you’ll need to call the Vodafone customer service (100) for a reset.

What do I do if I forgot the question I set?

When you forget your Vodafone cash PIN, all you have to do is  call Vodafone customer service (100) for a system reset.

Can I Reset For Someone?

No, you cannot reset Vodafone cash pin for someone.

How frequent can I reset my Vodafone cash pin?

You can reset your Vodafone Cash PIN as frequent as you want.

Would I be charged on the wallet when I reset?

No, you’ll not be charged on your wallet when you reset your PIN.

Can anyone reset my pin if I lose my phone?

No, unless you have made known your security answer. Customers are advised not to share their PIN or their security answer with anyone.

How protected is this reset?

Security questions would be presented to you to choose one and answer (always choose the easy to remember ones) which only you would know. 

You are advised to keep it safe from anyone. Not even Vodafone can tell.


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Hey, I'm Lovelace and I'm a lot. Got a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology in the bag. A street Christian apologist (for now) yeah you got that right. A wordsmith - kind of a nerd too. I enjoy creating content on topics I'm passionate about - religious talks, etc... When he's far from the lab, he's probably editing videos or checking forex trade trends. Call me Love.

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